Friday, 27 February 2015


Today we filmed for the second time. We had an issue with one of the memory cards we filmed on and it turned out the footage we filmed for the middle part of our title sequence was wiped so much to our dismay we will have to film again and re shoot a lot of footage. This is going to be hard because we had some very good shots that we were we proud of and having to film again and perfect it to how it was previously is going to be difficult. However we will get this done as soon as possible and hopefully better than before now we have another chance to re shoot.

Sunday, 22 February 2015


This is the setting we shot the majority of our title sequence. This room is in Sophie's house and it is her older sister's. We used this location because we thought it fits in best with the style we was going for (that includes the colour scheme).

Friday, 20 February 2015


All week we have been printing off money to use in our title sequence. We have included £50, £20, £10, and £5 notes. We're using this in our title sequence as the money the four girls stole off of the drug lord.


Today the balaclava's we will use as prop/costume in our title sequence arrived. We ordered four off of amazon, they were very cheap (around £1.50 and good quality) We can now begin filming because we have one of the main props we need.

Thursday, 19 February 2015




This is the full costume we've decided on our characters to wear for our title sequence. All black and balaclavas to connote that they've stolen the money and do not want to be seen by anyone on their way to the airport and we've added high heels and designer jewellery to emphasise the girls' glamour and desire to still look good even though their face is covered.


EQUILIBRIUM - Four girls who have worked for a drug lord (Darnell) for many years are fed up of their lives (having someone bossing them around) and want to start their own buissness in the same area of work (drug deals). They steal the money they've earned working for Darnell back.

DISRUPTION OF THE EQULIBRIUM - The four girls decide to leave London and start a new life, they steal thousands of pounds and escape to America. They stop in Las Vegas where they double their money, they then settle in California with their own illegal business.

RECOGNITION OF THE DISRUPTION - The drug lords squad from London are on the girls tail trying to track them down but are always one step behind. As the girls business takes off, other gangs in California are trying to take them down.

ATTEMPT TO REPAIR THE DISRUPTION - The girls gang are involved in many shoot outs and deals as the illegal side of California erupts into chaos when the Londoners arrive, as do the FBI as they have caught on the situation.

NEW EQUILIBRIUM - Three girls are left and business partner (Alejandro) are in FBI custody being interrogated but don't give up any information of their remaining business.

Friday, 13 February 2015


Today for the first time we filmed footage for our title sequence. Me and Sophie from my group feature in the footage as well as two of our friends. We chose to film in Sophie's sisters room as it has the perfect feel for the girls in our film. We cleared stuff out of the setting, gathered and added props to the location and begun getting ourselves ready and putting costumes on. After doing everything we were ready to start filming around 9:30pm. It took us a while to get used to the camera (how to work it) however considering this was my job within the group (cinematographer) I grasped it quite easily. We finished filming around 11:30pm. We didn't get all the footage we needed so we will need to film again and maybe re-shoot stuff when we watch the footage back.

Thursday, 12 February 2015


These are the animatics Julia made from our story boards using Final Cut Pro. This will help us when it comes to filming as we'll know how long each shot is going to take and what is needed in it.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


These are the storyboards for our title sequence, which will help us when it comes to filming. We've included the drawings of what we want in the shot and the shot types and angles. Next we will make these into animatics to visually get a bit of an idea on what our title sequence is going to look like and how long each of the shots will be and if it fits in with the time limit of our title sequence.